Odisha Police Constable Recruitment Notification 2023
The State Selection Board (SSB) will hold an open competitive examination for recruitment of Constables (Civil) in different districts and establishments in Odisha Police. The detailed information regarding method of recruitment for the post of Constables (Civil) is available below in notification. Before apply online must read the recruitment notification carefully, you can download the notification through given link as below:
Selection Process of Odisha Police Constable Recruitment
On completion of the recruitment test, a select list of the successful candidates in order of merit, category-wise for each District / Establishment separately as per the advertisement, will be drawn up. The select list shall be prepared in decreasing order of aggregate marks secured by them in written examination, driving test and NCC equal to the number of vacancies advertised. The results will be published in due course on the same websites as mentioned above.
The persons getting the higher aggregate marks shall be placed higher in the Select list
- If the aggregate marks obtained by two or more persons are equal, the person older in age shall be placed above the other in the Select List;
- In case the date of birth is also the same then the person having less negative marks in the written test will be placed above the other in the Select List;
- In case the negative marks in the written test is also the same, the Board may decide any other criteria.
- There shall be no reserve or waiting list..
Odisha Police Constable Syllabus & Exam Scheme 2023
The recruitment examination shall consist of the following stages;
Stages of the Examination | Paper | Duration | Marks | Type of Test |
OMR Based Written Examination | Paper-I (only paper) As prescribed at clause-10 (A) | 120 Minutes | 100 Marks |
Objective type with MCQ type. Each correct answer will carry 1 mark. There will be negative marking @ 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. No marks will be awarded or deducted if any question is left unattempted. |
Measurement of Physical Standards and Physical Efficiency Test (Qualifying) | As prescribed at Clause 10 (B) & (C) | —- | Qualifying in nature; (No Marks) | As prescribed at Clause 10 (B) & (C) |
Driving Test (Optional) | As prescribed at Clause-10 (D) | For heavy motor vehicles – 05 marks & For light vehicles-03 marks | As prescribed at Clause-10 (D) | |
Medical Examination | As prescribed at Clause-10 (E) | As prescribed at Clause-10 (E) |
- There will not be any viva-voce Test.
- The written test will be conducted in the mode of OMR Based Recruitment Examination.
Downoad Odisha Police Constable Syllabus 2023 PDF
How To Download Odisha Police Constable Admit Card 2023
The Admit Card of eligible candidates shall be available for download on the websites viz.- www.odishapolice.gov.in and www.opssb.nic.in about one week before the announcement of Written Examination date. The candidates are advised to download their Admit Cards and take a printout thereof. The Admit Card will carry intimation about the date, time and venue of the Written Examination, and will bear the scanned photograph and scanned signature of the candidate with facsimile signature of the Member of the Board. The admitted. Candidates will have to produce the Admit Card along with a Photo Identity Card issued by any Government Authority, at the allotted examination Centre for appearing in the examinations.
Odisha Police Constable Answer key 2023
Tentative answer keys will be placed on the same websites as mentioned above after conduct of the examination. Applicants may go through the answer keys and submit their online representations only, if any, within 3 days of uploading of the answer keys, on payment of Rs.250/- per question. Representation received through any other mode e.g. letter, application, email etc. will not be entertained. Representation regarding the Answer Keys will be scrutinized before finalizing the Answer Keys and the decision of the Board in this regard will be final. If the representation of the applicant about a question is found valid, the paid amount shall be refunded to the applicant.
Odisha Police Constable Salary and Pay Scale 2023
The Scale of Pay of Constables under ORSP Rules, 2017 is Level -05 of the Pay Matrix in the Scale of Pay (Rs.21,700 – Rs. 69,100).
How to Apply For Odisha Police Constable Vacancy 2023
Prerequisites For Application Submission:
Before proceeding to fill the application, the following be kept in readiness;
- Mobile Number (to be verified through OTP)
- Email ID
- Scanned colour passport size recent photograph in JPEG, JPG, PNG and PDF format (40 KB to 100 KB)
- Scanned signature in JPEG format (20 KB to 50 KB).
- In order to meet the specified image file size for photo & signature, candidate can get them resized by visiting any online file converter website.
- To register first time, click on “Register” on Home page of State Selection Board (SSB), Odisha Police by clicking on the link www.odishapolice.gov.in and www.opssb.nic.in Once it is registered successfully, SMS / e-mail will be sent to the candidates through their registered mobile and e-mail ID.
- Click on the “Start/view application”
- Click on “Post Selection” and then save and continue
- In “Personal Details” part please fill up all the fields as applicable such as candidate details, other information, father / husband / parent / spouse name, present and permanent address etc.. Then click on “save and continue”
- In “Education Details” part please fill up all the required fields as applicable. Then click on “save and continue”
- In “Document Upload” part please upload your photo, signature and caste certificate as applicable. Then click on “save and continue”
- In the part of “District applied for”, please select the district against which you are applying for.
- In “Preview” part, you can see and verify all fields which you have filled up. Here you can edit all your information which you have furnished. You cannot submit your online application unless you agree on the check box for Declaration.
- Once your application is submitted, you cannot edit your application.
- After submission of application, the candidates are advised to download and take a printout copy of their application form for their future reference.
Ragni is the dedicated author behind Fastjob Searchers, a premier website offering comprehensive resources for Sarkari job seekers. With a keen focus on providing timely updates, Ragni ensures that Fastjob Searchers delivers the latest information on Sarkari jobs, results, exams, admit cards, syllabi, admission forms, university updates, and more.